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Hi, my name's Flora Nerissa Arviana. Nessa. Gonna be 15th. 100% Catholic and 100% Indonesian. Spammers? Anons? Bashers? Copycaters? JUST GO TO HELL!


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Basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Template: Intan Aqilah
Edited By: Nessa
Others: ? ? ?

The A-Z of Friendship

Hi, Guys,
kali ini gue mau post tentang PERSAHABATAN.

Talk about friendship, 
SAHABAT itu susah dicari.
Susah banget nemu orang yang mau nerima apa adanya kita. 
Misalnya aja, ada temen saya yang bilang, "eh ness, temenmu banyak ya..."
Emang banyak sih, tapi SAHABAT? Cuma beberapa. 

Hanya sedikit. 
Karena sahabat-yakni orang yang betul2 menerima kita apa adanya (termasuk kelebihan, kekurangan, keanehan, dan termasuk juga, masa lalu kita)-sangat susah dicari.

Dan aku merasakan,

sangat susah cari sahabat yang bener2 sahabat.
Susah banget cari sahabat yang nggak ngomongin kita dibelakang (asli itu nyakitin banget).
Susah banget cari sahabat yang tetep stay bersama kita dalam keadaan apapun.

Jaman sekarang kita susah banget nyari sahabat.
Karena nyatanya orang baik susah dicari :O
Barusan saya menemukan notes yang sangat bagus (copas dari fb kakak kelas saya, Kak Wina).
Yang membuat saya makin ngerti tentang persahabatan.

Okay, cekidot!

The A-Z of Friendship

Accepts u as u are
Belives in "u"
Calls u just to say "Hello"
Doesn't give up on u
Envisions the whole of u
Forgives your mistakes
Gives unconditionally
Helps u
Invites u over
Just be with u
Keeps u close at heart
Loves u who u are
Makes a difference in your life
Never judges
Offers support
Picks u up
Quites your fears
Raises your spirits
Says nice things about u
Tells u the truth when u need to hear it
Understands u
Values u
Walks beside u
X-plain things u don't understand
Yells when u won't listen and...
Zaps u back reality

"Flexible people don't get bent out of shape"

sebenernya sih makna persahabatan itu mendalam sekali.
Hidup kita bakal sepi deh tanpa sahabat.
Seperti yang digambarkan dalam lagu dibawah ini (kalo mau download lari ke 4shared atau ke melon aja :)):

That's What Friends Are For

by: Dionne Warwick (taken from kapanlagi.com)

And I never thought I'd feel this way
And as far as I'm concerned

I'm glad I got the chance to say
That I do believe I love you
And if I should ever go away
Well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today and then if you can remember

Keep smilin' keep shinin'
Knowing you can always count on me for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Well you came and opened me
And now there's so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you
And then for the times when we're apart
Well then close your eyes and know
These words are coming from my heart
And then if you can remember

Keep smilin' keep shinin'
Knowing you can always count on me for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for
*nb: Lirik paling menyentuh buat saya, saya kasih Bold, Italic plus Underline :)


Image source:
Google, WeHeartIt, Tumblr, Thinkstock

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